Sunday, November 29, 2015

Bruneau Sand Dunes

The Scouts decided to head to Bruneau Sand Dunes for our October camp out. We set out and arrived not too long before nightfall and got started on preparing chow. The boys opted for their classic evening meal of Skybaby Special and it was delicious. We discovered that a loaf of french bread does wonders for cleaning the cooking pot and mess kits after a meal. This will be a practice we will continue to use. That night we played night games, re-told tales of Maggie, the wild and mysterious woman that haunts the Owyhees, and settled in for some shut-eye. The night went well and we awoke with the sunrise. After an oatmeal and hot chocolate breakfast we had hoped to do a little orienteering but the course did not turn out as planned. We did have a good block of instruction on the use of a compass and map. The Scouts hope to put these new found skills to use soon so we will need to set up another orienteering course on a future outing. Then it was time for the sand. The Scouts were up and down those dunes more times than we could count. Running, racing, rolling, sledding, sliding, flipping, and burying were the activities of the day. After getting sand in every nook and cranny of the body we made PB&Js and hit the road for home.

*Note: Our Historian got an excellent camera for his birthday and took some amazing photos during this outing. Unfortunately those photos were deleted in his first attempt to transfer them. These were what were left, taken on another camera. Next month though!

Campsite in the dawn.

The sunrise.

 Breaking camp, getting ready for the day.

Playing a pick-up game of football.

Time for breakfast chow.

Learning how to use a compass.

Forgot to pack a lunch, but not a problem for this Scout.

A narrow escape for this beetle. 

Playing on the dunes.

Made it to the top.

Escape from being buried alive.